Where to Play/Schedule
Stowe Pickleball will be playing all scheduled pickleball games at the following location:
Memorial Park (6 public courts) 336 Park St. Stowe, VT 05672 map
To easily view the schedule of games and to sign up to play, visit the Stowe Pickleball Playerlineup page.
Also available in Stowe:
Stowe High School (2 public courts) 413 Barrows Rd. Stowe, VT 05672 map
Note: Since play at the Stowe High School takes place on modified tennis courts, the tennis nets need to be lowered from 36” to 34” at the center for regulation height. This is accomplished by one of three available techniques:
1. Slide the existing strap to the right or left until the net is at 34”.
2. Use a bungee cord or adjustable strap at the center of the net to lower it to 34”.
3. If there’s a crank on the post, simply turn it counterclockwise to lower the net to 34”.
Please remember to put it all back the way it was meant to be for the tennis players when play is over (36” at the center).
topnotchresort.com (2 courts available for a fee) 4000 Mountain Rd. Stowe, VT 05672
Available in Waterbury:
waterburyvt.myrec.com (2 public courts) Anderson Field 27 Butler St. Waterbury 05676